Southwest Compressed Air & Industrial Lubricants

Preventive Maintenance Programs

Air Compressors are one of the highest users of electricity in most facilities. Knowing your operation plays a key roll on making it more efficient.

Air Audits

By helping reduce and identify air leaks, undersized air lines, and poor air usage, can help reduce your compressed air energy in some cases by 25 to 40%. Don't let the demand side (plant usage) take over your supply side (air compressor system) without starting from the demand side first!

A plant evaluation with data logging and audit will identify your equipment electrical AMP usage and record pressure, temperature, and SCFM. We team up with your local utilities provider and support them in any area needed to help reduce compressed air energy waste. We work closely with them and help find rebate programs that will benefit your company. This will result in maximum system performance and lower overall operating costs.